Zachary Kluckman

“…Warehouse your tongue like linens
in a mouthful of worries.
Swallow dust covered shoulders,
waiting for something more than thin apologies,

witless with brief bright intentions.
Gone thin with the effort to smile,
to remember when sweat meant dancing naked
with her swollen breasts loose among the shadows.

His hornet hands stung her flowered stomach…”


An actor, poet, youth advocate and respected spoken word artist, Zachary Kluckman is Director of the ABQ Slam Poet Laureate Program, Festival Coordinator for the Verse~Converse Poetry Festival, Spoken Word Editor of Pedestal Magazine and host of two monthly readings. He founded GDRIP, a poetry based program for youth in the drug court systems. “Earthships: A New Mecca Poetry Collection” was a finalist in the NM Book Awards. Nominated for Best of the Net 2009 and the Pushcart Prize, his work appears around the world in print, film and radio formats. Recent publications include the New York Quarterly and Memoir (and).

Listen to one of his poems here.

For more information on Zach, you can find him on Myspace or Facebook or contact the guild.

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