Barbara Robidoux

From “Out of Ashes”

A circle of grandmothers

gather on Sunday afternoons

in an old tin-roofed adobe.

We eat oranges, drink strong tea

step outside into a March wind.

Dust in our faces, tumble weeds

throw themselves against our legs

while we pray for rain

beg the ancestors to bring back

our water-honoring songs.

I am mixed blood Cherokee (tsalagi), Italian, Scottish writer. I have worked as a fish cutter, waitress, cook, truck farmer, teacher and councelor. I was born and raised on the east coast. I lived in rural Maine and Provincetown, MA before moving to Santa Fe 17 years ago. My poetry has been widely published in anthologies nationwide. I have published one full length book of poetry, Waiting for Rain, and am currently working on another book of poetry and a collection of short stories. I have been awarded a NM Discovery Award and a fellowship at the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, MA.

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