Category Archive: Lisa Gill Writing

How To Embrace Your Inner Undead–And Why It Matters

When an acupuncturist diagnosed me with “Corpse Disease,” I was ecstatic. Dozens of shape-shifting labels have landed in my chart, but no other theories—not even mine—trace back to medical texts compiled during the… Continue reading

About toads, kids, poverty, books, Aunt Lisa downloads

A couple months after I started working as a handyman in Albuquerque’s “Warzone,” I cleaned an apartment with the densest cockroach population I’ve ever encountered. Roach feces covered the walls. The whole place… Continue reading

How I Finally Learned the Importance of Hair-Combing & Came to Appreciate the Intellectual Rigor of Deciphering the Meaning of Good & Bad Hair Days

Recently, at age 43, I learned a very important lesson about the importance of combing your hair. An epiphany of sorts. Before I get into that though, I want to give you a… Continue reading

How Marianne Moore Helped Me Travel from a University in Fargo/Moorhead to a Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa

Over beers near the railroad tracks in Fargo, North Dakota, a concrete worker told me that a couple of my landscape poems reminded him of Elizabeth Bishop’s work. Talk about a pick-up line.… Continue reading

Philosophical Knees, Time & the Pill Abacus, Geography & Parietal Community

I reread the blog post intro I wrote for Virginia Hampton’s workshop and realized the dates I referenced were a decade off. Ten full years. WHOAH, where am I? When am I? What… Continue reading

In Defense of Writers Block, or How To Advertise a Garage Sale in 1,150 Words

Sometimes, quite often, when I come across any random article, or famous book, or well-meaning how-to blog on the subject of overcoming writer’s block, I suffer a knee-jerk reaction. Overcome writer’s block!?!! I think we… Continue reading