
Local Poets Guild would like to thank the McCune Charitable Foundation for their faith and generous support. We would also like to thank the NM Humanities Council for help producing Link: The Write Disability. We would also like to thank Sharon Gill for donating the use of a rural cabin for a two years for a writer’s residency in the east mountains. Thanks also to Margaret Randall, Aaron Greenwood, Joy Harjo, and everyone who made donations to the Guild, the residency, or to the Mitch’s venue, The Projects. Shout-outs also go to some of our partners in collaboration including Suzanne Sbarge of 516 ARTS; Pamela Michaelis, David Felberg, and Jane Kennedy of Church of Beethoven; Mark Weaver of the Roost; Bryan Konefsky of Basement Films; Gary Wilkie and Marilyn Stablein of Acequia Booksellers; Tom Guralnick of Outpost Performance Space; plus Elaine Schwartz and Demetria Martinez of Poets Against War, Mitch Rayes and the Projects, Becky Holtzman of Burque Bioneers, plus Neal Copperman and Tom Frouge of Globalquerque.Gratitude also goes to Rich Boucher who worked tirelessly with Lisa Gill to help build the original web pages.

To all participants and features and audience who’ve participated in over 200 events in the city, our gratitude.