Elaine G. Schwartz

From the poem, “Gaza”:

“…Ancient tongues proclaim the death knell of olive trees
Pomegranates bleed through the milky sighs of a child

The village tailor sews bones together again and again
Baskets of figs bring moon-silver delight to the eyes of a child

The pregnant white mare canters across the village square
Her steaming nostrils caress the wind-tossed sighs of a child

Hold tight the ancient house key, the well worn walking stick
Leather sandals stir the dust but cannot mute the cries of a child

The crescent moon sheds silent grace upon the village ruins
And you, Esther, are lost in the questioning eyes of a child…”


Elaine Schwartz, is a poet, wife, mother, grandmother, retired educator and novice
book artist. Her work, best described as a tapestry of place and political imagination, has appeared in numerous publications including the Anthology of Monterey Bay Poets, Santa Fe Literary Review, Harwood Anthology, Albuquerque Arts, Central Avenue, and the Rag. Her on-line publications include Beatlick News, The Ghazal Page, and the Poets Against the War Internet Anthology. She has been a featured reader at Poetspeak in Santa Cruz, CA, as well as at Fixed and Free and “The Coffeehouse” in Albuquerque, NM. Her recent poetry awards include 1st Place Winner , SW Writers Quarterly International Writing Competition (Buñuelos ) and 1st Place, Free Verse, New Mexico State Poetry Society, (Leaving for university).

You can request more information on Elaine from the guild.

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